Friday, September 12, 2014

Bazarooma is IPv6-ready!

It is getting crowded in the internet - there are more users online, more websites and more services every day. Every device participating in the internet is assigned an IP address, just the way every phone has a phone number and the internet run out of such numbers a while ago. Elaborate tricks were invented to share some IP addresses between multiple computers, but even that wasn't enough to cope with the explosion in the number of computers connected to the internet.

In order to give the internet enough breathing space, the IPv6 protocol was invented. Users just need to update the software on their computers and phones for everything to work fine.

Website operators - such as Bazarooma - modernize their services in order to be fully compliant with IPv6. We are happy to announce that today we officially finished the testing stage and fully operate on both the IPv4 and IPv6 stack.

ipv6 ready

New blog platform

Some of you noticed already, since yesterday we're using Blogger as our new blogging platform. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Migration to new infrastructure

We migrated in the first week of March our cloud to a new infrastructure which is closer to our geographic hotspots. This means for you:
  • Increased reliability
  • Faster response times
  • Greater flexibility when adjusting to varying site load

Fresh summer UI

Just in time for the sunny weather we’re releasing a new cleaner & leaner user interface. As always, give it a spin at and let us know what you think.

New prices and services

We are announcing today the new price matrix for the Carefree hosted service platform and software purchase


CareFree Standard Extended
You get… We build and operate your site on the Bazarooma platform for you. Servers, maintainance and traffic included! Install the Bazarooma platform on your own servers and run your own site Additionally receive free updates with new features and premium support
Updates Full feature + security updates Security updates Full feature + security updates to next version
Support Full 2 weeks (email) 1 year (email + phone)
Personalisation Full Full Full
Free trial 2 weeks 2 weeks -
Traffic Included - -
Price $50 / month $1500 $3000
  • The Bazarooma platform can be tested over the trial period free of charge without any obligations or advance payment. Trial includes free email support. CareFree includes deployment of site customisation and optional development (please contact us for quotes).
  • Payment also possible in IDR
  • Contact us for details at

New web user interface

We’ve been working on a new web interface for exposés and accommodation overviews which is as of now available on the public site. The new interface increases readability, organises important attributes better and is rendered faster in all browsers.

Hosted platform customers will receive the update within the week. Customers who operate their own installation can check with their assigned engineer if interested in the update.

Downtime 10. January 2011

Due to coinciding changes in the Google Maps API and a downtime with the infrastructure provider, the public site was unavailable sporadically during the early hours of this day. The outage has been fixed.
Corporate users of the hosted services were not affected by the outage.

Platform Updates

We have been quiet, but we have been busy! We just rolled out a new set of features to the public site. The changelog in short:

Improved overview and search

We optimised the page flow and rearranged elements in the accommodation overview page, leaving more space for extra information such as property surface which is now included even in the overview. The search page uses state of the art HTML5 features of browsers that support it (Firefox, Chrome, IE9…), further reducing query times to sub-second responses.

More places of interest in a neigborhood

Interesting places in a neighbourhood which are displayed in an exposé extend now farther than before and the limit is increased to 150 entries. Such a long list is of course not easy to handle, so we added new grouping features that allow a quick overview of the important facilities in the neighbourhood and wider area.

And beyond

Of course we did not stop there! We added once more a slew of new reports such as price variance over time and feature and count of new accommodations or accommodations sold/rented per time and price unit, tweaked our JSON API to allow external sites to also write entries and increased the address resolution accuracy in provincial areas.

Selamat Idul Fitri

Segenap team Bazarooma mengucapkan:
“Selamat Idul Fitri 1432H, mohon maaf lahir dan batin.”
Terimakasih atas segala dukungan dan kerjasama selama ini, mohon maaf atas semua kesalahan dan khilaf dalam perkataan dan perbuatan kami.

E-Commerce Use and Its Challenges in Indonesia

With around 237 million inhabitants,[1] Indonesia is the fourth most populated country in the world.[2] This contributes to Indonesia’s potential as a large market for various products. Would this potential market take the benefit of internet use?

Overview on Internet Use in Indonesia

Internet literacy in the country shows growth in the last decade. From only 1% of the population in 2000, the number of internet usage took a leap in 2007 to 8.9% and keeps increasing to 12% in 2010. [3]  From relying on Warung Internet (Internet Café) to access internet in the beginning of internet use in Indonesia, nowadays, users also get internet access at work, home, and universities. However, in contrast to other countries in South East Asia where 67% users get internet access from home, 66% Indonesians still rely on Warung Internet  due to  the lack of high speed internet at home.  An interesting trend is the increasing reliant on mobile internet, where according to Ac Nielsen Survey in 2011, 48% internet users in Indonesia use mobile phones to access internet. The number will climb to an additional of 5% within 12 months.[4]
In public sector, the use of internet in public administration for better services to public was initiated in 2001 with e-Government concept following the enactment of the Presidential Directive No 6/2001 on Telematics.[5] In private sector, internet use for commercial purposes has been increasingly popular in the country since the introduction in 1995.[6] However, the percentage is less than the use of internet in general. There are only 21% online consumers aged >15 years old and only 1% above 50. Many Indonesians use internet for social networking purpose, like Facebook (7.8% of population or 63.15% of total Facebook online users)[7] and Twitter (20.8% of population).[8]

E-Commerce in Indonesia

Looking at the numbers above, one question might be how big is the potential of Indonesia for e-commerce market?  According to a survey conducted by Daily Social in 2011, Indonesians still show hesitation to use internet for commercial purpose. Among respondents in Jakarta, mainly students, aged 20-30, 38% (244 respondents) use internet to check and compare price and finally purchase the product online. Recommendations from friends and family are still a decisive factor for doing online transaction (60%).[9]

Whether recommendation from friends in the social network plays a role and if it does, how big the influence is, is subject to further studies. However, it makes sense to see the tendency to use Facebook, for example, to promote a product. Maybe, it will not contribute directly to online purchase, but it helps to create awareness within the network about the existence of the product.


Some challenges are indicated as homework to be done to support the growth of e-commerce in Indonesia. First of all is the lack of reliable and affordable internet connection that enables users to conveniently do online transactions. Losing internet connection while doing the payment, for example, is the last one wants to happen. Internet speed is also a concern for consumers.
Another problem is the payment method. Whilst users can browse products and compare prices over internet, online payment is not always possible to do. Bank account transfer and cash on delivery are still the main payment methods being used.[10]

Apart from convenience and sufficient technical support for e-commerce, consumers also deal with security problems. The increase of cybercrimes and the lack of legal protection for consumers are seen as crucial problems. The protection under the Consumer Law Protection of 1999[11] and the Law on Information and Electronic Transaction of 2008[12] might have answered some questions, but in practice, these still leave problems concerning law enforcement matters.

[1] Population by Age Group and Sex 2010,
[2] List of Countries by Population,
[3] Indonesia Internet Usage and Telecommunication Reports,
[4] Indonesia the Most Reliant On Mobile Internet Access Across South East Asia: Nielsen,
[5] Current Status and Issues of E-Government in Indonesia,
[6] Indonesia Internet Usage and Telecommunication Reports,
[7]Facebook in Asia: Total Users and Age Groups [Latest STAT],
[8] Indonesia Recognized as Worlds Biggest Twitter Addict,
[9] Daily Social Research on How Indonesia’s Youngsters Use E-Commerce,
[10] Peak of Growth of E-Commerce in Indonesia Is Estimated in 2013,
[11] Law No, 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection.
[12] Law No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transaction.

Kepemilikan Properti di Indonesia oleh Orang Asing

Penantian kalangan properti akan terbitnya revisi atas regulasi tentang kepemilikan properti oleh orang asing rupanya belum berakhir. Revisi tersebut sedianya dimaksudkan untuk memberikan kemudahan bagi orang asing untuk membeli properti di Indonesia. Akhir semester I tahun 2011 telah terlampaui, dan janji Pemerintah untuk menerbitkan peraturan pemerintah yang baru belum terpenuhi. Bagaimana sebenarnya kepemilikan properti oleh orang asing diatur di Indonesia? Berikut ini ulasannya.

Ketentuan yang berlaku untuk pemilikan property oleh orang asing

Menurut Undang-undang Pokok Agraria (UUPA), hanya warga Negara Indonesia (WNI) yang dapat memegang hak milik atas tanah. [1] Orang asing dapat menghuni atau menempati rumah dengan hak sewa atau hak pakai. Demikian diatur dalam UU No. 1/2011. [2] Perlu dicatat bahwa hukum pertanahan di Indonesia menganut asas pemisahan horizontal yang memungkinkan pemisahan antara kepemilikan tanah dengan kepemilikan benda-benda di atas atau di bawah permukaan tanah. Sebagai akibatnya, hapusnya hak atas tanah tidak berakibat hapusnya hak atas benda-benda yang melekat di atas atau di wahab tanah tersebut.
Selanjutnya, hak pakai tersebut di atas dapat diberikan di atas tanah Negara, tanah hak pengelolaan atau tanah hak milik.[3] Adapun bagi orang asing, rumah atau tempat tinggal yang dapat dimiliki adalah rumah yang berdiri sendiri yang dibangun di atas tanah hak pakai atas tanah Negara atau di atas tanah yang dikuasai berdasarkan perjanjian dengan pemegang hak atas tanah, atau satuan rumah susun yang dibangun di atas bidang tanah hak pakai atas tanah Negara. [4] Jangka waktu hak pakai tersebut menurut UUPA adalah selama 25 tahun dan dapat diperpanjang untuk 20 tahun. [5] Secara berbeda, untuk hak pakai di atas tanah hak milik, perpanjangan dapat diberikan untuk jangka waktu 25 tahun dan dibuat dalam perjanjian terpisah antara orang asing dengan pemegang hak milik. Selain itu dipersyaratkan pula bahwa orang asing tersebut berdomisili di Indonesia. [6] Apabila orang asing pemegang hak pakai tersebut tidak lagi berdomisili di Indonesia, maka ia harus melepaskan atau mengalihkan hak atas rumah atau tanahnya kepada pihak lain yang memenuhi syarat. [7]

Usulan revisi

Revisi yang sekarang ini tengah digarap adalah revisi atas PP No. 41/1996 dengan maksud untuk memberikan kemudahan bagi orang asing untuk memperoleh properti di Indonesia, yang pada dasarnya  adalah untuk mendorong investasi di sector properti. Usulan revisi tersebut pada dasarnya menyangkut beberapa hal pokok.
Pertama, berkaitan dengan jangka waktu yang semula 25 tahun menjadi minimal 70 tahun. Kedua, harga minimal untuk properti yang akan dibeli oleh orang asing, yaitu di atas Rp 1 milyar. Ketiga, pembelian tersebut adalah untuk unit hunian baru dan kepemilikan orang asing tersebut dalam satu kawasan tidak lebih dari 49 persen.
Di samping itu, diusulkan pula untuk dimungkinkannya orang asing untuk membeli properti tanpa adanya persyaratan untuk berdomisili di Indonesia. Bagi pengembang, usulan tersebut akan menguntungkan apabila diterima, karena akan memperluas peluang pasar tidak lagi sebatas pasar domestik. Pada sisi lain, investasi untuk pembangunan properti dengan target pasar orang asing akan berisiko pula, karena dari segi harga akan kurang menarik bagi calon pembeli domestik.
Kata terakhir tampaknya masih harus menunggu jawaban yang diberikan dalam peraturan pemerintah yang baru nanti. Kita tunggu!
[1] Pasal 21 ayat (1) UU No. 571960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-pokok Agraria
[2] Pasal 52 UU No. 1/2011 tentang Perumahan dan Kawasan Permukiman
[3] Pasal 41 PP No. 40/1996 tentang HGU, HGB dan Hak Pakai
[4] Pasal 2 PP No. 41/1996 tentang Pemilikan Rumah tempat Tinggal atau Hunian oleh Orang Asing yang Berkedudukan di Indonesia
[5] Pasal 45 PP No. 40/1996 tentang HGU, HGB dan Hak Pakai
[6] Pasal 5 ayat (2) PP No. 41/1996 tentang Pemilikan Rumah tempat Tinggal atau Hunian oleh Orang Asing yang Berkedudukan di Indonesia
[7] Pasal 6 ayat (1) PP No. 41/1996 tentang Pemilikan Rumah tempat Tinggal atau Hunian oleh Orang Asing yang Berkedudukan di Indonesia